México City, 1967. Law Degree (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), 1991; Doctor of Law (UAM), 1997. Extraordinary doctorate award 1996-97 from the Faculty of Law of the UAM; pre- and post-doctoral scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (1992-93 and 1998: University of Bonn); scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2000-02; Universities of Bonn and Munich; 2009, University of Freiburg-Germany). Associate professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (2000-2008). Qualified for the access to the body of University Professors (2007). Vice-chairman of the Georg Forster Selection Committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Honorary doctorate from several Latin American universities. Permanent member of the Criminal Law Section of the General Codification Commission (2015). Full-time professor of criminal law at the UAM since May 2008.
Main publications: Books, other independent publications: Los orígenes de la teoría de la adecuación social: teoría final de la acción e imputación objetiva, Bogotá, 1994; coauthor in: Rodríguez Mourullo/Jorge Barreiro et al., Comentarios al Código penal, Madrid, 1997 (commentaries on crimes against sexual freedom, against the constitution, against the Admiistration of Justice, illegal possession of weapons, terrorism); Conducta de la víctima e imputación objetiva en Derecho penal. Estudio sobre los ámbitos de responsabilidad de víctima y autor en actividades arriesgadas, first edition, Barcelona, 1998; second enlarged edition, Bogotá and Barcelona, 2001; coauthor of: Un nuevo sistema del Derecho penal. Consideraciones sobre la teoría de la imputación de Günther Jakobs, 1998/1999; Conducta de la víctima y responsabilidad penal del autor, 2001; Líneas básicas de la teoría de la imputación objetiva, 2001; Derecho penal del enemigo, 1st ed. 2003/2nd ed. 2006 (co-authored with Günther Jakobs). In charge of the edition (together with Carlos Gomez-Jara Diez) of the work: Derecho penal del enemigo. El discurso penal de la exclusión, two volumes, 2006; Los delitos de terrorismo: estructura típica e injusto, 2010; Estudios de Derecho penal, 2010; coauthor of Memento Penal, 2010/2014/2015/2018/2020; Discurso de odio y/o discurso terrorista (with Juan A. Díaz), 2019.
Other contributions (monographic articles, sentence commentaries, book chapters, editions, etc.) have been included in various specialized periodicals and collective works appearing in Europe, most Latin American countries, USA and China.
More information and a complete list of publications to be found at: