Permanent Councillor of the Council of State since November 2020.
Magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2011-2017).
Professor Emeritus of Criminal Law at the University of the Basque Country.
Among her published works, suffice it to note some of her most recent works on terrorism:
“Terrorismo y conductas periféricas. La tensión de los principios penales en los límites del derecho”, 2007 [Terrorism and peripheral conduct. The tension of criminal principles on the limits of the law]; or “La justicia imprescindible y sus límites en la deslegitimación de la violencia terrorista”, 2019 [Indispensable justice and its limits in delegitimising terrorist violence].
Regarding freedom of expression and hateful conduct, it is worth highlighting her dissenting opinion in the 2015 Constitutional Court ruling that upheld the conviction for the crime of insulting the King by burning photos of his image. A few years later, in 2018, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that it was not a case of hate speech and that the conviction violated the right to freedom of expression.